![]() 03/26/2017 at 19:38 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Can we just...not?
These are the ones that are looked to as “brand influencers” in the younger parts of the automotive community. But all we’re getting are janky builds and trashed cars.
I made a post a few days ago on FB about the janky 50mm spacers on TJ Hunt’s build. It just happened to come across my feed that day and couldn’t believe the things going on with his “build.”
Well, four days later and he posts that he’d made a huge mistake. Big, heavy adapters that didn’t have the right hub bore or hubcentric rings to fit the Ambit wheels he was running. It had the death wobble no matter what he did.
Over and OVER and
again, I see posts about not buying cheap shit. After the fact.
TJ, Matt Farah, David Patterson (That Dude in Blue), the list just goes on.
You reply to their videos saying not to do it, you get brigaded by the nutswingers because you’re talking down to their youtube hero. FFS.
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All I can think about it: a car is normally a box powered by explosions flying along at 100 kilometres an hour. Wouldn’t you want to invest in good parts so that nothing goes wrong during all that?
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But that gives them more content. They discuss about installing it, then if they’re lucky, they discuss it working, and then discuss it not working later. That’s a 50-100% increase in content! All about those monies.
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I need my own build channel...
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But this is Oppo. All the mods are janky. (Except one. You know who you are.)
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Especially whilst surrounded by others doing the same.
There are mods I’ve done to my car, but they are done with durability and reliability in mind paired with function on the street and track.
That’s why I don’t have rod-end suspension components on the car.
1) They’d drive me nuts with the noise.
2) They and the chassis mounts might not hold up to the abuse our rutted city streets might put them through.
I ran a small spacer on my old wheel setup but also ran ARP wheels studs, not the stockers and it was a pass through spacer, not one that you bolt on and then bolt the wheels to it.
If you’re modifying something, understand what you’re doing. It was very apparent that TJ didn’t know what he was doing and didn’t educate himself on the parts he was purchasing.
I’ve been known to spend a few days researching some components, helps cut down on the impulse purchases.
![]() 03/26/2017 at 19:52 |
That NRG wheel fail was pretty funny tho. I was starting to wonder if maybe they weren’t crap with all the youtubers using their junk. That video answered my questions. If it looks like junk, and it’s priced at half of what a decent part cost. It’s probably junk.
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My view of modding: Aftermarket engineers and I don’t know more than the engineers who designed the car. Unless they made a clear comprise for economy, comfort, or price there’s no way me, or an aftermarket company, is going to come up with a better solution.
And even then stay away from cheap stuff.
Edit: What did Matt Farah do?
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And not all aftermarket engineers are cut from the same cloth. There’s one shop that I follow, Vorshlag, that are a no compromise shop. Terry Fair gets under the skin of a few people in the community, but he chimes in for a reason. If it’s a risk, it doesn’t go on the car or it’s not even made and they’ll call people out for it.
They build cars from street to autox, to full wheel to wheel builds. Safety is key.
There’s plenty out there that are also just fine with waiting for another business to do the R&D, then copy it. Just watched that happen with Fays2 watts link versus American Muscle’s brand “SR Performance.” Jim Fay had spent a lot of time and effort getting everything right, then SR Performance comes in and relists almost a carbon copy of his design...for MORE MONEY!
![]() 03/26/2017 at 20:00 |
How freaking stupid is this guy??? He sounds like a caricature of a dude-bro and his poor car... man. I cringe when I see 10mm spacers. So 50mm?? WTF?? That’s not only stupid it’s dangerous as fuck!
![]() 03/26/2017 at 20:05 |
key word: compromise. There are many aftermarket bits, baubles, and modifications that can objectively improve a car but were not done on the original due to some compromise that had to be made either in R&D funding, time, cost, comfort, economy, or just because.
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I think the worst one I’ve seen was the Haggard Garage E36 drift build where they used all sorts of crap & inappropriate steel pieces for their harness bar (if you can call it that). But that’s somehow okay because “FUCKIN YOLO DRIFT MISSILE BUILD LOL” trumps not dying.
There’s a reason why SCCA & NASA specify certain thicknesses and radii in their rulebook. To paraphrase an old Hot Rod Magazine article, you can save a few bucks and fool your way past tech, but you’ll be regretting that once you hit the wall.
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The thing is, nearly every car has designed compromise for economy, comfort, and convenience. And as it has been mentioned, a lot of aftermarket companies do have very smart people to develop tech with less or no compromise. And then there’s the market for older cars. Really, anything older than 10 years has multiple sorts of technology that can be improved upon. Just look at fuel consumption and power output differences between different generations of the same car.
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We live in a world where kids respond “YouTuber” when they’re asked what they want to be when they grow up. If you can stick your face in front of a camera and upload it to YT, you’re an authority.
I was poking around on Netflix last night, and ran across this original series they have called “Chasing Cameron.” Apparently he’s some pretty-boy dickbag who had a bunch of Vine clips, and now he and his cadre of douchenozzles do “shows” where they jump and prance around on stage. And Netflix *pays* this twatnobbler for some reason.
That’s IT. And apparently kids eat that shit up.
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Jeez, that dude with the huge spacer has to be like “LOL WTF does scrub radius do?”
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So true. I have an engine that was the result of compromise. It’s a reliable engine, but it’s by no means a barn stormer compared to it’s older brother the Buick Stage 2. That required more strict manufacturing standards, but good gravy was that thing a powerhouse.
If GM had kept up with that design, the LTx and LSx F-bodies would have had the V6's nipping at their heels every step of the way.
![]() 03/26/2017 at 20:42 |
3mm spacers here! Absolute minimum I needed to get my wheels to clear my brakes. Still don’t like it...
![]() 03/26/2017 at 21:07 |
What’s the issue with bolt on spacers?
I have theory’s of my own but just wanna hear another perspective.
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I know that’s kind of what I meant. Coilovers are a pretty safe bet since they’re guaranteed to compromise comfort over performance. It’s the things like people who put 3" exhausts on otherwise stock Civics expecting gains. If it would’ve benefited from 3" exhaust the OEM would given it 3" exhaust, stock at least.
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Or what leverage is.
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They alter the suspension geometry of the car and change how loads are transferred from the wheels.
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Wouldn’t they have the exact same effect as a wheel that has a high offset. Ex. Rim offset of +35 and spacer of 35mm is the same as a rim with 0 offset? (Albeit with an additional failure point that’s not on the 0 offset rim.)
![]() 03/26/2017 at 21:47 |
No because a wider wheel still applies it’s force to the suspension at the same point. Spacers effectively move the wheel force outward from where it was designed to be. Wheel offset shifts the rubber inward or outward but the wheel still mounts at the same point.
![]() 03/26/2017 at 21:51 |
I thought the rubber being further out would have more leverage on said point but what your saying makes since, thanks.
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Amazing how things change when it’s your own money being spent instead of your parents’. (This is directed towarDs one of them in Particular)
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Any twisting forces onto the rubber are handled by the rim. A spacer effectively magnifies all forces between the rim and creates more torque onto the rest of the system.
![]() 03/26/2017 at 22:03 |
I watch TJ’s videos because I like seeing some of the projects, but he really pisses me off. He knows so little about cars and insists on doing stuff in the worst way possible. Not to mention, he leans on Calvin for all of his installs because he can hardly turn a wrench on his own. Now, I’ll openly admit that my mechanical skills are probably no more advanced than TJ’s, most likely even less so. That being said, I haven’t made a name for my self pretending to install mods while my best friend is the one really doing almost all the work. If you want to check out a real car guy who runs a youtube channel, look up HomebuiltbyJeff. He has far far fewer views than the big guys, but has restomodded a 911 hotrod entirely his on own. He does the entire car himself, learning as he goes and fabricating every custom piece himself in order to cut costs. The interior he made is gorgeous, and he had the satisfaction of learning how to upholster while doing it.
![]() 03/26/2017 at 22:30 |
When you said restomodded it didn’t trigger in my mind properly and I was afraid he created that purple monster.
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There are so many videos of people who film themselves doing car projects and thus put themselves as experts doing things so completely wrong it boggles the mind. Its like they don’t realize the internet is a place one can look up the proper way to paint a car or anything.
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I work with youth, and the YouTube thing bugs me. I have to explain a lot about the internet and safety to them.
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BRB, gonna rattle can my car, in my home garage with the doors closed. Don’t need no stinkin respirator, that’s for pussies! ToothlessTom on youtube got er dun the same way and lookit him!
![]() 03/26/2017 at 22:50 |
I just watched a video of this very thing. They spray canned the car and then used a paint gun to apply a metal flake clear. So much facepalm. And to make it even better they then had a guest photography guy/girl do a video of the thing. Why bother? It only highlighted in high def every dent and ding and run they didn’t bother fixing.
I get so pissed off at the ignorance and lack of forethought.
![]() 03/26/2017 at 23:00 |
I work with youth,
sorry to hear.
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Nah, I enjoy it. It can be trying, but in terms of ranking those I’ve dealt with, it’s offenders in the criminal justice system, then youth, then the regular public (with offenders being the easiest to deal with).
![]() 03/26/2017 at 23:55 |
Haha, no. Not sure which one you are referring to but his is Orange.
![]() 03/27/2017 at 00:03 |
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Not going to lie I’ve thought about trying to start a YouTube channel based around doing fun stuff with cars. Seemed better than my current dead end job. Anly problem is I don’t even have enough money to get started. Or a voice for TV.
![]() 03/27/2017 at 03:01 |
Are spacers that bad to you? I have 20 mm spacers on my 406 coupe for it to be able to have non-406 coupe yet factory Peugeot wheels, like the 307 CC wheels I have on now. The spacers where machined especially for me, they do have a correct centering ring that hold the wheel even without bolts, I’ve got wheel bolts that are 20mm longer and the spacers only compensate for a 20 mm wheel offset difference, not to get the wheels out further than stock. I know it’s not ideal but I haven’t experienced any negative effects yet and I’ve been using them for quite some time now. Including on the ‘ring yesterday during the europpomeet.
![]() 03/27/2017 at 05:27 |
I’ve seen too many wheels flying around due to crappy spacers to trust any...
![]() 03/27/2017 at 07:46 |
yeah, but you’d be doing fun stuff with cars while actually knowing a thing or two about cars. the dimps OP is ranting about don’t; they do horribly dumb shit and have an army of disciples to defend them with the stellar quality of your average YouTube commenter.
and besides, I just wanted to use “twatnobbler” and “cadre of douchenozzles” in a post.
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Star for cadre. Back in grade school I played for a baseball team called the Cadres
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Every car has a compromise for economy, comfort, AND price.
Even the most extreme car. No one who can afford a Hellcat would pay for it if it had aluminum buckets and no sound deadening.
Problem is, it’s not always easy to tell where the factory engineer choose to tweak the design for NVH or cost or economy, and sometimes the design they chose was chosen for the specific power/cost/comfort level of the design. Even worse, cars are always designed as a system, and one mod in one area can make the whole car feel off.
That’s why I now look at modding as “Changing the car to my tastes” instead of “Making it better”. I don’t mind jiggly suspension if it sharpens up responses for example. I don’t mind fixing little issues caused by the jiggly suspension because I like the car better. I’m also not afraid to undo a mod if I end up not liking it.